The Quarry

Multi-Family Residential

Silvergate Development, LLC  :    Client
La Mesa, California  :  Location
60 Market Rate Rental Apartments  :   Program
Full Architectural  :  Services

Developed with 60 units of market-rate housing in the City of La Mesa (about 12 miles from downtown San Diego) this Transit Priority property is served by the San Diego Trolley. The site is a trapezoidal shaped parcel with approximately 1.548 acres of site area, bounded by other properties on three sides and Palm Avenue on one side.

Located across from La Mesa’s Colliers Park, the site is a former rock quarry with steep topography on the westerly and southerly property lines rendering a substantial portion unusable for construction or for parking. Unbuildable slopes and required setbacks comprise approximately 40% of the site. By arguing against the strict application of the city’s development standards, which would not allow development of the site potential to the level allowed by the zoning, we obtained permits to allow the construction of all 60 units of apartments on just the buildable portion of the site.

These three story apartments with tuck-under parking and fully external access and without interior corridors allow for the reuse of previously unbuildable industrial site. The Quarry fulfills a need for modestly priced housing with favorable walking distance proximity to local goods and services.